Our Story

Berwick is a hidden gem, we have the perfect mix of distinctive coastline, breath-taking landscapes through the Borders, unique heritage traditions and a vibrant arts scene.

Berwick has the potential to be a truly exceptional thriving cultural destination rivalling any leading coastal or rural location in the UK.

We want to make Berwick one of the most distinctive, must-see cultural destinations in the country, and we believe we achieve this by investing in arts, creativity and culture.

And others agree! The North East Combined Authority (North East CA) has designated Berwick as one of only three Culture and Creative Zones (CCZs) in the region.

A CCZ is a designated area set up to support people and grow businesses working in the cultural and creative industries, with the ambition to provide a supportive and attractive environment for cultural and creative businesses and people to locate, start-up, grow, and flourish.

The North East CA was formed on 7 May 2024. It is led by Elected Mayor Kim McGuinness and the Cabinet and covers the seven local authority areas of County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland.

Around £1.5m has been provided by the North East CA to kick-start the Berwick CCZ (now called Create Berwick) over five years from 2022/23 to 2026/27.

These initial resources will help lever in additional funding to invest in activities to support the growth and sustainability of the cultural and creative sector.

Create Berwick will provide an inspiring and thriving working environment for creative people, a must-see destination for visitors, and a vital local asset shared by all of Berwick’s residents.

Create Berwick is funded by the North East CA and Northumberland County Council.

It is led by a small team at Northumberland County Council, supported and guided by an advisory group made up of people, creatives and artists from all over Berwick and North Northumberland.

Year 1

In the first year of the project, we spent time consulting with, listening to and learning from the people this project must serve.

From artists to businesses, freelancers to heads of organisations, community leaders and schoolteachers, we wanted to make sure Create Berwick means something to everyone and gives everyone a chance to immerse themselves in creativity.

Together with the Create Berwick advisory group and Northumberland County Council we created the Cultural Investment Plan for the town which outlines exactly how Berwick will take its place among the UK’s most distinctive, must-see cultural destinations.