Our Approach

Our strategy is based on the following key principles:

Our aim is to regenerate Berwick through cultural investment and innovation, working towards our shared vision for the town’s future.

By harnessing the expertise and resources of all partners we will deliver a cultural-led regeneration programme that is greater than the sum of its parts.

We’ll commission high quality work from nationally and internationally significant artists we will raise the bar on the quality of cultural output originating from Berwick and demonstrate that we have the confidence to be the best.

We will position Berwick as a highly visible leader in cultural investment and innovation. We will raise Berwick’s profile as a leading UK cultural destination, which in turn will maximise the impact of our investments by attracting more visitors, creatives, and spending to the town. We will become a beacon for best practice in culture-led regeneration.

Our strategy is based on a grassroots approach to culture-led regeneration, with local people from all backgrounds and communities involved at all stages in developing new creative commissions, artworks, programmes and events. Our work will demonstrate that culture is for everyone, and local people are at the heart of bringing Berwick’s heritage to life.

We will adopt low carbon and circular economy principles when developing and delivering cultural programmes and events, ensuring the environmental impact of our work is minimised while working towards a net zero cultural and creative sector in Berwick.

Strategic Aims

To grow our economy and population sustainably by building on our established cultural and creative strengths, and capitalising on visitor economy opportunities. By investing in business growth, job creation, education and skills, and leisure and culture, for the benefit of all our people, communities, and businesses.

To increase vibrancy and activity in Berwick town centre, building a thriving community of visitors, residents, creatives, and learners who will use the centre for leisure and culture,
education, and employment, boosting footfall and creating an attractive, lively place where people want to spend time and money.

To enable all of Berwick’s people, communities, and businesses to share in the benefits of culture-led growth through access to better skills, jobs, and cultural activities, and by providing opportunities to retain and attract more young people to the town.

Click the button below to download the Create Berwick Cultural Investment Plan:

How it Works

Over the next four years, Create Berwick will offer opportunities and run projects for everyone in the town to be part of, all focussed around four themes.

Projects which teach people new skills, let people enhance and hone their existing talents and skills, and which offer new pathways into employment in the cultural and creative sectors.

Click below to see upcoming projects in Skills & Enterprise.

Projects which attract visitors, tourists, artists, and makers from all over the world to Berwick. We want Berwick to be one of the UK’s most distinctive, must-see cultural destinations. Known for its welcoming, inclusive, and creative atmosphere, where there’s something for everyone.

Click below to see upcoming projects for Attracting Visitors.

Projects for everyone! We’ll be working in partnership with venues, cultural organisations and creative businesses in Berwick to create new opportunities for everyone to be creative and enjoy culture in our town. We’ll be celebrating and focussing on all the things that make Berwick unique – from the history to our landscape and coastline and inviting everyone to join us.

Click below to see upcoming projects for Engaging Communities:

Projects which celebrate the matchless landscape and history of Berwick are essential to honouring our town. And we’ll also drive forward projects which increase the amount of physical space there is for artists, cultural collectives, and creative businesses, such as studios, exhibition spaces and co-working areas.

Click below to see upcoming projects for Places & Spaces.