Capital Fund Call Out


The Capital Fund call out is urgent and time-limited. We must receive your application by 5pm on Friday 5 April 2024.

We are looking for proposals that support the development of physical spaces and places where creatives, artists, local people, and visitors can create work, collaborate, and experience cultural activity.

This includes creative workspaces and facilities to produce, present and sell work.

The minimum grant is £100,000; applications for projects below £100,000 will not be accepted.


Fund details

This fund is for capital projects that can mobilise quickly, and that will build infrastructure and deliver new sustainable workspace for the existing and, growing, creative sector:

  • Regenerate an existing building or space in Berwick for use as workspace.
  • Provide affordable workspace for creative businesses.
  • Provide facilities for making, producing, presenting, or selling artwork and events.
  • Offer spaces for residents and visitors to access or engage with creative services
  • Contribute to the regeneration of Berwick’s built environment


Our ambition is for Berwick to be renowned as a creative town with the infrastructure and capacity to deliver a prosperous local economy.

Create Berwick is a catalyst to drive culture-led regeneration and raise the town’s profile in regional, national, and international markets, attracting more visitors and spending.  This funding opportunity responds to the challenge of generating new and sustainable workspaces and places for creative communities to take root and build businesses.


Who can apply?

  • Applicants must be a legally constituted body and not an individual or sole trader.
  • Applicants can be public, private, charitable, or community and voluntary sector
  • Limited companies operating in rural areas are eligible to apply.


When to apply

Applications must be received by 5pm on Friday 5 April 2024.

We realise this is a very short timeframe, we encourage you to submit bids, even if your project proposal is not fully worked up.

As the funding available is limited, we want to quickly get a full picture of the projects that are likely to seek funding so we can gauge which projects we can support within the available funds and timeframe.

Therefore, it’s important that you submit your project ideas to us as early as possible, even if they’re not fully developed.

If you have limited capacity to prepare a bid by Friday 5 April 2024 we can provide additional support and advice to help you meet the deadline.


Next steps

Please make sure you read the fund guidelines and eligibility criteria in full before starting your application.

The guidelines are lengthy but essential, if your application does not meet the guidelines it will be rejected.

If after reading the guidelines you have questions, or would like support with your application, please get in touch with Andrea Oliver via email.